Brooks & Day CD Almost Ready!

The long-awaited release for Brooks & Day’s album is almost here. The album CD is currently at the Los Angeles-area manufacturing facility. The duo should have copies before the end of March. The album features a collection of inspiring soundscapes, most of which were created on the spot in Ben’s Rock Room Studio, nestled in the foothills of Pasadena. Besides the musical journeys of Ben and Peter, the new album features added instrumentation, production, mastering and mixing by jazz pianist extraordinaire Rob Mullins, percussion by Rich Mangicaro (the Eagles, Glen Frey) and additional mastering by Rich Mouser (mixing engineer for projects by Neal Morse, Spock’s Beard and Oleander). Recording industry veteran Greg Scelsa has partnered with Brooks & Day to assist with the business side of the project. His contributions have been invaluable. Brooks & Day are also thankful for kind words and encouragement from Suzanne Doucet.

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